Flash works on my amd64 Debian Linux

For a couple of months I have been living without the ability to watch Flash movies. It's just that Adobe has not released Flash player for this platform.

By the way, you can sign a petition to request a version of Flash for AMD64 Linux here: http://www.petitiononline.com/lin64swf/petition.html.

Then I have found instructions on how to run the 32bit Flash plugin using nspluginwrapper plugin. The instructions were quite lengthy but it was simplier than I expected. The short summary of what I had to do is:
sudo apt-get install nspluginwrapper
Then I had to:
  1. extract the downloaded Flash plugin archive.
  2. move the 2 extracted files “libflashplayer.so” and “flashplayer.xpt” into the /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins folder
  3. and run the following command:
  4. nspluginwrapper -i /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so
    This also created the file /home/myusername/.mozilla/plugins/npwrapper.libflashplayer.so
  5. restart Iceweasel


+ simonas sakė…
Linai, ačiū už pagalbą. Neseniai susimečiau Ubuntu (AMD64), o Flashas atsisakė veikti. Bandžiau tą laisvą pluginą, bet veikė prastai. Tai toks Rimas Kudelis rado tavo įrašą ir man padėjo. Tiesa, kažkur kitur tą failiuką įdėjom, bet dabar nebeprisimenu. Dar žalias linuxistas iš manęs. :-)
Linas J sakė…
Super! Aš šį įrašą labiausiai rašiau sau, kad turėčiau kitąsyk prisireikus. Sėkmės naudojant Linux'ą!
Unknown sakė…
Aciu labai ;)

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