
Rodomi įrašai nuo gruodis, 2004

DeepBurner - Powerful CD and DVD burning package

DeepBurner - Powerful CD and DVD burning package : "Currently, there are two versions of the program - DeepBurner Pro and DeepBurner Free. Both these versions provide high quality CD/DVD burning platform for specific and everyday needs. However, Pro version has some additional and advanced features in comparison with the Free one. The aim of the following comparision table is to give you the full understanding of which version of DeepBurner suits your better."

AzDG - Azerbaijan Development Group (design, promotion, support, scripts, webdesign, php, dating)

AzDG - Azerbaijan Development Group (design, promotion, support, scripts, webdesign, php, dating) : " AzDGVote [FREE(GPL)] " pazinciu klubo skriptas Project Info - match/dating engine Project Info - match/dating engine : " php Postgresql scripts.There scripts powers people match and dating engine.People register, with their photos then search for friends/partners. PayPal interface included. Absolutemeeting is modeled on" :)

Vieno mano draugo puslapis apie namu projektus

Project_item Mano draugo Ramuno puslapis - namu projektu katalogas.
Gruodzio 26 LUAS ir autobusai Gruodzio 26 LUAS ir autobusai vazines sekmadienio tvarkarasciu... LUAS: 07:00-23:30 kas 10 minuciu

Dar vienas pazinciu klubas internetinis. Project details for DOM Tooltip

Cia projektukas visokiems tooltipams i internetini puslapi ikist.

o2 samokslas

O2 savo klientams kaip ir duoda siusti 250 nemokamu zinuciu is savo puslapio per menesi. Bet kiek pastebejau, penktadienio vakarais prie ju puslapio prisijungti neiseina. Kazkaip pradedu itarti, kad o2 penktadienio vakarais isjungia galimybe siusti zinutes is savo puslapio specialiai.


Cia "Klausimelio" tekstai skelbiami... Mano atsakymas i teigini "Visi amerikonai durniai" yra toks: "paziurek klausimeli".


Šiandien bandau Insert (Live Linux CD).
apie qixite su qixite padarytas puslapis, parasyta apie qixite

3WK Internet Radio - Indie Rock and Classic Rock online radio

3WK Internet Radio - Indie Rock and Classic Rock online radio Broko megstamiausia radijo stotis.
filtravimas nuorodu Furl, Spurl,
Remontuoju kompiuteri Siandien remontuoju kompiuteri Gateway Solo 9500.

Megstamiausia daina is filmo

(MUSIC STARTS) Swan: Sometimes, the world is black. And tears run from your eyes. And maybe we'll all get really sick. Or maybe we'll all diiiie. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, let's build a snowman, we could make it our best friend. We could name it Bob, or we could name it George. We could make it tall, or we could make it not so tall! A snowman! It could have a happy face, a happy smile, a happy point of view. If you build me a snowman then I'll build one for you! Sooooo let's build a snowman we could make it our best friend. We could name Bob, or we could name it.....Balewolf! We could make it tall or we could make it not so tall. A snowman! (Swan starts tapdancing in the snow) Miller: This fucker gone completly nuts! Swan: He could have a happy face, a happy smile, a happy point of view. If you build me a snowman, I'll build one for you! A snowman!! A SNOWMAN!!! A SNOOOWMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (MUSIC ENDS)
Mane galima surasti ir cia - mano nikas bro1
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